09 December, 2009

The Music of Romania... or, at least, the music I hear everyday

9 December, 2009. Universitatea de Nord din Baia Mare, camera șase, cāminul trei.

Pretty much everyday since I've arrived in Baia Mare, I've heard/seen a handful of pop songs, played repeatedly. Now, maybe this is because I frequent low-class establishments that play only one channel on their fancy flatscreens: KISS-TV...  regardless of the reason, I think I have heard (or seen the video clips of) the following songs about 100 times each already.... Not all are Romanian artists, but they will forever be entrenched in my mind as part of my Romanian experience.  Prepare to be amazed, haha... (does anyone else notice the common bip-bip-b-bip sound in most?)...

Inna, "Amazing" (I have to admit that after repeated listens and viewings, I might actually like this song... see, this is the power of suggestion!!!)

Roller Sis, "Se Thelo" (oh no, this song has grown on me too, and I don't even like this kind of music!!)

Puya, "Change" (this song is one that I definately DO NOT like... and it might have been the unofficial song to the recent Romanian elections, considering its attitude of complacency... or are they saying "I CAN change the world..."  I can't tell...)

Connect-R, "Burning Love" (this one drives me crazy...  never have I heard or seen a song so original... I mean, the opposition of fire and ice in relation to love... revolutionary! haha -- Hey, he's Black AND he's Romanian... that's recipe enough for celebrity status, isn't it?)

Deepcentral, "Russian Girl" (this video clip is so amazing that "embedding [has been] disabled by request"...  This was probably the first song to begin driving me over the edge.... certainly one of the most over-played...)

Dan Balan, "Chica Bomb" (this video clip may be the closest thing to pornography I've seen on mainstream television....  And Mr. Balan's gaze, my goodness, enough to give me a serious case of the willies!)

Radio Killer, "Voila" (a seriously strange music video, and an incredibly annoying song...)

Pitbull, "I Know You Want Me" (yes, indeed, Mr. Pitbull... you have read my mind.  Never have I lusted for another man like I lust for you....)


  1. One thing is for sure: the majority of the songs listed here I never heard before if not now, on your blog. Others, I did but in your company, and you know which one(s). Even though I am Romanian, it was you to introduce me to these songs :D I know they are played in my country, but it so much depends on what you are listening to. As you mentioned it, they are played in SOME restaurants/pizza places, by SOME people and therefore, enjoyed by SOME people. It certaily does NOT define overall Romanian music or taste in music. And you know the saying: Des gouts et des couleurs on ne discute pas :-)
